Ashe Construction has retained its five-star grading in a recent British Safety Council Occupational Health and Safety Audit.
The four-day audit measured performance against key health and safety management best practice indicators and a detailed review of almost sixty component elements was carried out.
The British Safety Council campaigns to protect workers from accidents, hazards and unsafe conditions and the award scheme is an independently adjudicated process which requires companies achieving a five-star award to build on their audit findings and provide evidence of continuous improvement planning.
The audit process included interviews with directors including group chief executive, Robin Blake, senior management, site management and employees from all areas of the company.
Company policies and procedures where thoroughly reviewed followed by visits to Ashe’s largest sites, MK East and Bedford Academy, to review how these processes were implemented.
Ashe’s health and safety manager, Ian Berrie, said: “This is very good news for everyone working on Ashe projects and in our offices. We’ve had a comprehensive evaluation of our policies, processes and practices and been awarded a five-star grading which reflects the hard work everyone puts into operating safely and it acknowledges our positive safety culture.
“Of course, we should never be complacent, and this award is another opportunity to remind everyone about their responsibilities to act safely in all areas of our operations.”
Mike Robinson, CEO of the British Safety Council, said: “The award of a five-star grading following our occupational best practice Health and Safety Audit is an outstanding achievement and is reflective of a proactive organisation which is committed to continual improvement in its health and safety arrangements and managing risks to workers’ health, safety and wellbeing.”
The audit considered areas such as organisational leadership, commitment and planning, implementation and operation, performance monitoring, measurement and evaluation, and continuous improvement.
Health and safety management performance was benchmarked against the latest best practice techniques.
The British Safety Council was founded in 1957 and believes that no-one should be injured or made ill through their work.
Find out more about Ashe’s approach to health and safety.